Youth Policy

Youth Policy

  Youth policy is being drawn for Myanmar Youths  to become Multi-developed citizens by leading of Ministry of Social Welfare, Relief and Resettlement, Ministry of Health and Sport, Ministry of Education in cooperation with relating departments and also youth representatives including   woman Person with disability  in  States and Regions , UN organizations, NGOs and  INGOs.       Youth Policy is adopted by Cabinet on 8th November, 2017. Youth Policy Launching Ceremony was held on5th January 2018 at  MICC(II), Nay Pyi Taw, State Counseller launched Youth Policy in this event. 

          And then, Mini-Launching Ceremony in States and Regions were held   from February to March, 2018. At present, concerned Ministries and Government of State & Region in cooperation with youth Representatives will develop National Strategic Plan for Youth policy.

              For National Strategic Plan of Youth Policy, the first meeting was held at (26.3.2018)and second meeting was held (3/4/5.5.2018) with youth representatives of every States & Regions and  concerned  Ministries in DSW meeting hall at Nay Pyi Taw.During  these    meetings,  they discussed Youth sectors , the policy & plan related Existing and implementing strtategic plans  from concerned  Ministries , departments .At (11.6.2018), DSW was held the meeting with (15) Youth Representatives  to select   youth representative for  secretariat seat Youth affair committee (Central),  discuss TOR processes and estimate budget of youth meeting. Now, States and Regions Youth Affair committee meetings are being held and opened  training .