Yangon, Mandalay, Myeik and Kyaine Tong
The purpose of vocational training centers for women
(1) To retrain and protect girls sent by the Court for temporary care and girls sent by the Court Order
(2) To provide temporary care services for those Myanmar women who are facing social problems in both domestic and foreign
(3) To train the girls for all round development
(4) To provide non-formal education and vocational trainings
(5) To reintegrate and reunified the girls into the community
(6) To raise the girls with true patriotism and enthusiastic to serve the country and its people
Age Groups and Types of Children
(1) Girls who are over the age of (12) sent by the Juvenile Court with the Child Law Article (33) (a)
(2) Sentenced women who are in need of protection by the Court Order
(3) Girls who are between the age of (16) and (18) sent by the Suppression of Prostitution Act (1956) Article (6) (d)
(4) Trafficked Victims
It is provided non-formal education and life-skills trainings.
Vocational Trainings
Following vocational trainings are conducting.
(a) Sewing
(b) Embroidery
(c) Knitting
(d) Tapestry
Job Placement
Women who are skillful in vocational trainings are provided with job opportunities in private sectors.
(1) Recreational Activities (Reading, Watching TV)
(2) Sports
(3) Excursion (Visit to the pagoda and other places outside of the training compound)
Participating in Special Activities (New Year Holiday, Waso full moon day, Thadingyut full moon day etc.)

Reintegration into the society
The Department of Social Welfare reintegrates those who have parents to the parents and guardians, supervises and arranges the wedding reception for those who are getting married with golden partners.
There are minimum (2) years follow-up services for those who are reintegrated into the community and who are under the medical treatment.