Women Section (2)
There are (2) Centers for Women Care.
Yangon and Mandalay
The tasks have been implementing with the cooperation and collaboration between Department of Social Welfare, Department of Health and Department of Prison.
Services provided by Department of Social Welfare
(1) Psycho-social Counseling
(2) Providing basic skills on reading, writing and calculating
(3) Vocational Trainings
(4) Reintegration to the parents and guardians
Psycho-social counseling
(1) Daily counseling by Wardens
(2) Individual and group counseling
(3) Psycho-social support to be able to reintegrate into the community
Providing Basic Reading, Writing and Calculating Skills
The illiterate women are provided Basic Reading, Writing and Calculating Skills.

Vocational Trainings
Following vocational trainings are conducting.
(1) Sewing
(2) Embroidery
(3) Knitting
(4) Macaroni
(5) Tatting
Reunited with the family
(a) Contacting to the parents or guardians of the trainees who attained the period by letter or phone before (3) months of the attaining period
(b) The trainees are pick up by their families and if they are not picked up they are sent to the families by the social workers
Follow-up services
Department of Health provides necessary health care services to the trainees who are already returned into the families.