There are (2) Women Development Centers.
There is each center in Yangon and Mandalay Region.

The Purpose of Women Development Centers
(1) To receive and protect the girls over the age of twelve from girls’ training schools who are not interested in continuing formal education and women over the age of eighteen
(2) To receive and protect the women who are facing social barriers in the community
(3) To educate illiterate women through non-formal education and secondary education
(4) To ensure the women are trained systematic occupational trainings and involving in productive sector
(5) To assist women to clarify life expectations by job replacement and income generating activities
(6) To make efforts on repatriating to the guardians and reintegrating to the community for girls
(7) To bring up the women with true patriotism and who are enthusiastic to serve the country and its people
Age groups and Types of Children
(1) Girls from girls’ training schools who do not accomplish primary education at their age of twelve
(2) Girls among the secondary school girls who failed secondary education (2) years in a roll
(3) Women over the age of eighteen
(4) Women over the age of eighteen who are in need of protection due to social barriers

Ø Supporting the girls who accomplished secondary education to join tertiary level education
Ø Providing non-formal education and basic reading, writing and calculating skills to illiterate women
Vocational Training
The following vocational trainings are conducted.
(1) Sewing
(2) Embroidery
(3) Knitting
(4) Tapestry
(5) Weaving (Machine/ Hand)
(6) Laundry
Job Placement
Supporting those women who accomplished secondary and tertiary level education and show maximum performance in vocational trainings to get the jobs in private companies and civil service departments.

Reintegration Services into the Community
(a) Reintegrate to the parents and guardians, supervising and arranging the wedding reception for those who are getting married with golden partners.
(b) Registration at the private dormitories for those who prefer independent living and providing follow-up services